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What Parents Should Know About Children’s Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by redness and itchiness. It is usually triggered by allergen exposure, such as peanuts, pollen, or pet dander; however, stress, infection, dry skin, and skin irritants can also be the triggers. This condition is very common in children, but it can affect people of any age.

Caring for someone with atopic dermatitis can become stressful and confusing, so you have to understand how to treat it properly. With adequate care and treatment, this skin condition can be controlled.

In this article, you will learn more information about atopic dermatitis in children, including how you can cure, treat, or prevent it from getting worse.

Does Atopic Dermatitis Have a Cure?

Sadly, atopic dermatitis does not have a cure. There are some cases in children where the skin condition goes away before they turn into adults, but a lot of people retain atopic dermatitis into adulthood.

The skin condition is annoying, yes, because it comes and goes. Atopic dermatitis just flares up periodically. You cannot get rid of it completely, but there are treatments available to keep it under control. It is also advised to keep the skin moisturized and avoid triggers that cause atopic dermatitis to flare up. 

What Are the Treatment Options for Atopic Dermatitis?

Even if the skin condition does not have a cure, it does have many treatment options. You can depend on prescribed topical medications if moisturizers do not do the trick of keeping atopic dermatitis at bay. Such medications include topical corticosteroids, topical phosphodiesterase or a PDE Inhibitor called crisaborol, and topical calcineurin inhibitors.

If these treatments still do not work, you can utilize oral systemic agents, but do take note that they are not used often in treating atopic dermatitis. Another choice is phototherapy, but this is only a good option if you have a lot of time and money to spare.

Additionally, the latest treatment option is an injectable medication called dupilumab. It is available for patients 6 years old and older who have moderate to severe conditions of atopic dermatitis.

Assess your treatment options carefully so you find the most efficient one to utilize for your child.

What Could Parents Do to Manage Their Child’s Atopic Dermatitis?

Aside from getting treatments, you can do some practices to prevent atopic dermatitis from getting worse. 

1. Help Them Avoid Triggers

This is one of the most critical steps you have to follow to keep atopic dermatitis at bay. You should keep your child from interacting with triggers such as substances, events, and temperatures that may cause the skin condition to flare up.

2. Develop a Skin Care Routine

Atopic dermatitis is usually exhibited on dry and itchy skin. You can introduce good skin care practices for your child, so they can develop simple habits to keep their skin healthy.

3. Stick to the Doctor’s Recommendations

Do not let your doctor’s prescriptions fall on deaf ears. They will give you the proper medication and skincare to use to keep the skin condition in control. Schedule regular checkups with your child’s physician so they can keep track of the condition and present effective treatment options.

Final Thoughts

While it cannot be cured permanently, there is a treatment plan that can help with atopic dermatitis. You can look up health centers that provide treatments and consultations for it. Should triggers be too much, you can bring your child to a healthcare expert to give them the support they need.

If you are in need of children’s urgent care services, Your Kid’s Urgent Care is one of the best you can find. You can book a video call to talk to one of our doctors, or you can head on to the nearest branch right away.

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