little girl

Child Asthma: Basics and Symptoms of the Condition

Out of all the valuable people in our lives, our children would have to be at the top of our list. Yes, they can be a handful at times, but they are our very pride and joy, the ones who will carry on our legacy and the ones who will always make us proud. 

As their parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that they will never have to go through a very rough patch while growing up, protecting them from various dangers and health conditions.

While a parent’s love is definitely enough to shelter their children from harm, there are times when they may still encounter sudden health conditions, and one of the most common ones that kids have to endure is asthma. While it may not be as challenging as other chronic conditions, the fact of the matter is that they may still cause a huge amount of discomfort towards our kids, even lasting up to their adult stage. 

In such a case, it would only be suitable for us to familiarize ourselves with the said condition and the different symptoms that may help us indicate whether or not our kids have it at an early age.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes it to constrict and cause difficulty in breathing, all of which may be triggered by multiple external factors. 

Of course, this condition isn’t just limited to children, as even adults may have this type of illness. However, it is more prevalent in some kids during the early stage of their lives; that is why preventive measures must be put in place so that they will not worsen over time.

What Are Their Usual Causes?

There have been countless debates over the years regarding the cause of asthma amongst children. Some say that they are inherited, while others say factors beyond genetics cause them. Either way, there isn’t any simple way to define their primary origin.

Now, while that may be the case, you may still predict that your kid may have an offset of asthma if you will take note of the following:

  • They have allergies
  • They have a relative who also has asthma
  • They are surrounded by pollution
  • They are surrounded by people who smoke
  • They have other underlying conditions

Now, while not all of these are specific determiners of asthma amongst kids, it is only appropriate to be familiar with them so that you will be able to determine your child’s condition once the symptoms start showing up.

What Are the Symptoms of Asthma?

As with all types of diseases, there are some sure signs to look out for that will tell you whether or not your kids are afflicted by it. The following are just some of the most common symptoms:

  • A cough that never goes away
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fatigue
  • A strange sound caused by deep breaths
  • Sleepless nights due to cough

These are just some things that may tell you whether or not they are afflicted by it. Do not ignore these symptoms and call for a doctor if ever things get worse.


Child asthma is just one of the many conditions we wouldn’t want our kids to go through. Aside from the fact that it provides nothing but utmost discomfort and difficulty in breathing, it also gives them restless nights due to coughing. 

By familiarizing ourselves with this condition, we will be able to detect it at its early stages. We may even end up helping our family doctor mitigate its harmful effects on our kids. Take note of our pointers above and see how you can make a difference by knowing their triggers and symptoms.

If you are looking for urgent care for kids in Orlando, FL, look no further than our clinic here at Your Kids Urgent Care. We offer nothing but superior and convenient urgent care pediatric services to all the children who enter our clinic. Visit one of our branches today—let us help your child recover in no time.

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