Child, Choking

Saving Lives: How to Respond to Infant and Child Choking

Choking is a common and dangerous occurrence in infants and young children. It occurs when an object, food, or fluid blocks the airway, making it difficult or impossible to breathe. Choking can lead to severe injury or even death, making it imperative for caregivers to know what to do in case of an emergency. This article will discuss the causes, signs, and steps to take to prevent and treat infant and child choking.

Causes of Infant and Child Choking

Infants and young children are at higher risk of choking due to their tendency to put objects in their mouths. Common causes of choking in infants and children include:

  • Food: Infants and young children have a small airway, making it easy for food to become lodged in their throats. Foods such as hot dogs, grapes, popcorn, and nuts are particularly dangerous.
  • Toys: Small toys, toy parts, and balloons are common choking hazards. Children can accidentally swallow these items while playing.
  • Household Items: Household items such as coins, buttons, and batteries can pose a choking hazard to infants and children.

Signs of Infant and Child Choking

The signs of infant and child choking may vary depending on the severity of the blockage. Some common symptoms are:

  • Difficulty breathing: The child may have trouble breathing, making it difficult to inhale or exhale.
  • Coughing or gagging: The child may cough, gag, or vomit in an attempt to clear the blockage.
  • Bluish skin or lips: Lack of oxygen can cause the skin and lips to turn blue.
  • Loss of consciousness: If the blockage is severe, the child may lose consciousness.

Preventing Infant and Child Choking

Preventing infant and child choking is essential to keep them safe. Here are some tips to prevent choking in infants and young children:

  1. Cut food into small pieces: Cut their food into small pieces to prevent choking. Avoid giving hard, round, or sticky foods such as nuts, popcorn, and chewing gum to young children.
  2. Supervision: Always supervise children during meals and playtime. Keep small objects out of their reach.
  3. Teach safe eating habits: Teach older children to chew food thoroughly and not to talk or laugh with their mouths full.
  4. First aid training: Parents, caregivers, and babysitters should learn CPR and first aid techniques to respond to emergencies.

Treating Infant and Child Choking

If an infant or child is choking, quick action is necessary to prevent serious injury or death. Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Assess the situation: Quickly assess the situation to determine if the child is choking. If the child is coughing or gagging, encourage them to cough to clear the blockage.
  2. Call for help: If the child is choking and cannot breathe, call for emergency help immediately.
  3. Perform back blows: For infants under one year old, place the infant face down on your forearm and give up to five back blows between the shoulder blades.
  4. Perform chest thrusts: For children over one year old, stand behind the child and wrap your arms around their waist. Give up to five chest thrusts by pulling inward and upward on the abdomen.
  5. Repeat steps: Repeat back blows and chest thrusts until the blockage is cleared or help arrives.
  6. If the child becomes unconscious, perform CPR.


Infant and child choking is a severe and potentially life-threatening emergency. Knowing the causes, signs, and steps to take to prevent and treat choking can help caregivers respond quickly and effectively in an emergency. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, parents, caregivers, and babysitters can help keep infants and young children safe from choking.

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