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Here’s All You Need to Know about Pediatric Pink Eye

Having pink eye can come from various factors, including viruses and bacteria and environmental irritants like sand or chemicals. Youngsters under the age of two are more likely to suffer from pink eye because they tend to rub their eyes and infect other children.

The pink eye typically goes away on its own, although treatment may be necessary for some instances. Other disorders mask pink eye symptoms, so anybody with persistent or painful eye irritation should seek medical help.

Symptoms of Pink Eye

As a condition known as pink eye, conjunctivitis occurs when the eyelid tissue is inflamed on its inner surface. Red, wet, and irritated, the afflicted region may also have a bulging eyelid. A reddish lump or crust may form on the eyelids of youngsters with pink eye, which is similar to the symptoms adults experience.

The Spread of Pink Eye

Anyone who touches an infected person’s eye can pass on the disease to others. On the other hand, Pink eye may pass from one person to another. It can spread if people don’t wash their hands often and have a habit of touching their eyes.

Diagnosing Pink Eye

A physical examination is necessary to rule out any underlying medical issues contributing to the discomfort. It is followed by reviewing any medications the patient is currently taking and their medical history.

Doctors often look for redness, swelling, discharge, or crusts in the patient’s eyes as part of their examinations. Check for evidence of sores and other symptoms by opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out.

Depending on the doctor’s preference, they may urge the patient to sit in front of a computer and look for evidence of pink eye.

How to Treat Pink Eye

You should consult your doctor if you see redness in your eyes. They will likely examine you to establish what’s wrong with your eyes. However, if the reason for your red-eye is not treatable, your doctor may prescribe medicine or other treatment methods.

Applying ointment or saline drops or wiping the eye with mild soap will help flush out infection if your kid has pink eye. Before and after touching your child’s face or eyes, you should wash and dry your hands. Sharing used glasses and other objects should also be avoided, or infection could spread to other family members.

Recurring Pink Eye Condition

A compromised immune system, allergies, or other disorders that allow illness to spread are significant causes of recurring infections. Pink eye that keeps coming back in youngsters is relatively frequent, but adults are not exempt from the condition.

Recurring pink eye could happen due to a disorder known as conjunctivitis, which happens three or more times in six months. The bacterium Moraxella catarrhalis commonly causes this mild ailment.

Dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is another common cause of recurrent pink eye. Because of this disorder, the eye’s surface loses tears. You can use over-the-counter eye drops to replace the lack of moisture.

In severe cases, it’s best to get medical assistance if your symptoms do not improve.

How to Prevent Pink Eye

It’s easy to stop the spread of pink eye. Maintaining good hygiene is the best line of action. You should wash your hands before and after any contact with the eyes or face of another person. Avoid sharing personal objects, such as glasses and towels, and refrain from touching your eyes with your hands.

You may also accomplish preventing pink eye by using one hand towel at a time and separating the rest of the family’s towels.

To avoid the transmission of pink eye through paper towels, you should shield your eyes when you’re out in public if you believe you have the illness and bring an eyewash to work. A bottle of artificial tears is also a good idea to have on hand.


Pink eye is usually a moderate ailment, but it can be unpleasant and lead to other, more severe conditions. While infection can cause pink eye, it’s more frequent in youngsters than adults. Repeated infections and subsequent consequences are more common in certain persons than others. Avoid touching your eyes and wash your hands often to prevent a recurrence.

Your Kid’s Urgent Care makes high-quality pediatric urgent care services accessible for families. Our medical and professional assistance can aid you and your needs any time you require them! Just give us a call, and we’ll come to the rescue!

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