coughing child

Whooping Cough in Children: How to Detect and Treat It

As a parent, your child’s health is always your priority. Right now is a wonderful opportunity to screen for whooping cough. Cough treatment may be ineffective in preventing or spreading potentially fatal outcomes. From detection to prevention, cure, and treatment, read on to find out how dangerous hacking cough is.

Understanding the Whooping Cough

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a potentially fatal respiratory virus that primarily affects babies and young children. Pneumonia, fainting, a lack of oxygen, and convulsions are all possible outcomes of whooping cough.

When your child sneezes or coughs, bacteria become trapped in the airway structures and spread. After three weeks of coughing, the condition becomes contagious. It primarily affects youngsters, but it also affects teenagers and adults.

Detecting the Whooping Cough

1. Unusually Severe Cough

The “whoop” sound is produced by a vigorous hacking cough mixed with a high-pitched intake. It is more noticeable in children than in adults.

2. Extended Period of Coughing 

Whooping cough involves a severe cough that lasts for more than two weeks.

3. Influenza Symptoms

Early signs of the common cold or bronchitis include sneezing, a runny nose, and coughing.

4. Intrusive Coughing

Intrusive coughing potential affects your child’s food, sleep, and everyday activities. In the most severe case, it interferes with ordinary life.

5. Vomiting

Although vomiting after coughing is unusual in adults, children with whooping cough regularly vomit. Other signs may involve dehydration of the mouth or skin, a slight feverish temperature, and difficulty breathing.

Treatments for the Whooping Cough

1. Get a Medical Consult 

Vaccination is required to avoid whooping cough. Self-medication isn’t an option. If you suspect your child has whooping cough, take them to a clinic or hospital. The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to stop the spread of the infection. This drug is most effective when you administer it within a few days of your child developing whooping cough. It’s also recommended for them to finish their antibacterial therapy.

2. Be Hygienic

Covering your child’s or family’s mouths when they cough or sneeze greatly decreases germ transmission. Coughing or sneezing into a tissue, inside an elbow, or upper sleeve is the proper way to prevent viruses from spreading. If your child sneezes onto their hands, wash them immediately.

3. Keep Safe at Home

Maintain custody of your children until your doctor gives you the all-clear. You should keep babies under the age of three months away from infected adults because whooping cough can be fatal.

4. Immunization

According to research, acellular immunity has a shorter lifespan than whole-cell immunity. In Australia, the second booster is given at the age of four. However, in Singapore, it is given at the age of eleven. 

Keep track of your baby’s doses between the ages of two and six months and the booster dose at eighteen months. Additionally, the DTaP vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. 

5. Take Protective Measures

Adults should also get a booster dose of Tdap vaccination. Vaccine-induced immunity fades with time. To protect both mother and child, pregnant women should receive the vaccine between weeks twenty-seven and thirty-six.


When it comes to children’s care, one shouldn’t take diseases lightly. While the youngsters are commonly active and healthy, their bodies differ, and they respond differently to viruses. This means that with whooping cough, it would be best to seek professional help immediately! Although, in the meantime, study the tips above for when they can come in handy.

For accessible kids’ urgent care in Orlando, FL, Your Kid’s Urgent Care provides high-quality urgent care pediatric services in a convenient venue for children. We are here to assist your family at any time. Just give us a call, and we’ll come to the rescue!

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